



1995.09-1999.09  华南师范大学生物系   本科

1999.09-2002.12  中国科学院广州地球化学研究所  硕士

2003.08-2006.12  香港理工大学土木环境学院     博士



2007.5- 2007.12  中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,助理研究员

2008.1- 2017.10  中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,副研究员

2017.11-至今     中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,研究员


2011.02-2012.2   英国lancaster university环境研究中心 访问学者

2012.07-2015.12  海岸带陆海相互作用(loicz)国际计划东亚办公室  副主任

2011.04                挪威水研究所(niva),短期访问

2010-2016             德国helmholtz中心的海岸带研究所 5次短期访问

2017.05                澳大利亚james cook大学和curtin大学     短期访问










1.      国家自然科学基金-山东省联合基金,山东半岛生物富集类卤代物的入海通量、行为过程与环境效应(u1806207),2019.01-2022.12,经费281万,主持。

2.      中国科学院海洋大科学中心重点部署项目,基于被动采样技术的河口-近海-大洋中新兴污染物与纳塑料的组网观测系统构建(coms2019j08),2019.11-2022.11,经费120万,主持。

3.      中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所自主部署项目,渤海溴系阻燃剂的源汇过程、生态效应和演变趋势(yic y855011024),2018.10-2021.09,经费280万,主持。

4.      中国科学院国际合作局国际人才计划“国际访问学者项目”,microbial and planktonic ecosystem responses to persistent organic pollutants and eutrophication in the bohai sea(与澳大利亚科廷大学marco coolen教授合作,2019vca0021),2019.04-2020.03,经费16.8万,主持。

5.      国家自然科学基金面上基金,浮游生物对渤海环境中持久性卤代烃环境归趋的影响机制(41773138),2018.01-2021.12,经费68万,主持。

6.      烟台市科技局项目,烟台市餐饮业油烟排放污染特征、环境健康影响及其调控对策,2016.01-2018.12,经费30万,主持。

7.      中国科学院国际合作局, 外籍科学家“特聘研究员”计划,comparison on the characteristics and sources of emerging contaminants between the laizhou bay, china and the german bight, germany, (与德国海岸所ralf ebinghaus教授合作,2013t2z0032),2014.01-2014.12,经费51.5万,主持。

8.      中国科学院重点部署项目,海湾及沿岸复合污染分异规律、扩散过程及预测模型(),2013.05-2017.05,经费279.29万,主持。

9.      中国科学院知识创新工程重点项目(青年人才类),莱州湾溴系阻燃剂类持久性毒害物的环境过程kzcx2- ew -qn2102011.01-2013.12,经费60万,主持。

10.   国家自然科学基金青年基金,大气污染物的输送对渤海背景地区非甲烷烃和羰基化合物的影响及其区域环境意义(40903048),2010.01-2012.12,经费20万,主持。 




2.        liu l., zhen x.m., wang x.m., zhang d.c., sun l.t., and tang j.h.*, (2021). spatio-temporal variations and input patterns on the legacy and novel brominated flame retardants (bfrs) in coastal rivers of north china. environmental pollution, 283, 117093 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

3.        li m.k.*, zhu s.y., ouyang t.p., tang j.h.*, tang z.h., (2021). magnetic properties of the surface sediments in the yellow river estuary and laizhou bay, bohai sea, china: implications for monitoring heavy metals. journal of hazardous materials, 410, 124579 (if=10.288, 中科院分区1).

4.        zhen x.m., li y.f., wang x.m., liu l., li y.n., tian c.g., pan x.h., fang y., tang j.h.*, (2021). source, fate and budget of dechlorane plus (dps) in a typical semi-closed sea, china. environmental pollution, 269, 116214 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

5.        pan x.h., zhen x.m., tian c.g., and tang j.h.* (2021). distributions, transports and fates of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in a typical river-estuary system. science of the total environment, 741, 141769 (if=7.963, 中科院分区1).

6.        joerss h., schramm t.r., sun l.t., guo c., tang j.h.*, ebinghaus r. (2020). per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in chinese and german river water – point source- and country-specific fingerprints including unknown precursors. environmental pollution, 267, 115567 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).


8.        zhong m.y., tang j.h.*, guo x.y., guo c., li f., and wu h.f., (2020). occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the bohai, yellow and east china seas. science of the total environment, 741, 140434(if=7.963, 中科院分区1).

9.        li m.k., zhu s.y., ouyang t.p.*, tang j.h.*, he c.j., (2020). magnetic fingerprints of surface sediment in the bohai sea, china. marine geology, 427, 106226 (if=3.040, 中科院分区2).


365-372 (if=7.086, 中科院分区2).

12.     zhen x.m., liu lin, wang x.m., zhong g.c., and tang j.h.* (2019). fates and ecological effects of current-use pesticides (cups) in a typical river-estuarine system of laizhou bay, north china. environmental pollution, 252573-579 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

13.     li y.n., zhen x.m., liu l., tian c.g., pan x.h., and tang j.h.* (2018). from headwaters to estuary: distribution, sources and ecological risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an intensively human-impacted river, china. environmental science and pollution research, 25 (36): 36604–36614 (if=4.223,中科院分区3).

14.     pan x.h., tang j.h.*, tian c.g., li j., and zhang g., (2018). short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in sediments from the laizhou bay area, north china: implications for transportation from rivers to marine environment. environmental pollution, 2431460-1468 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

15.     zhen x.m., tang j.h.*, liu l., wang x.m., li y.n., and xie z.y., (2018). from headwaters to estuary: distribution and fate of halogenated flame retardants (hfrs) in a river basin near the largest hfr manufacturing base in china. science of the total environment, 6211370-1377(if=7.963, 中科院分区1).


17.     apel c.*, tang j.h.*, and ebinghaus r., (2018). environmental occurrence and distribution of organic uv stabilizers and uv filters in sediments of the chinese bohai and yellow seas. environmental pollution, 23585-94 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

18.     liu l., tang j.h.*, zhong g.c., zhen x.m., pan x.h., and tian c.g., (2018). spatial distribution and seasonal variation of four current-use pesticides (cups) in the air and surface water of the bohai sea, china. science of the total environment, 621:516-523(if=7.963, 中科院分区1).


20.     yao y.y., chang s., zhao y.y., tang j.h.*, sun h.w.*, and xie z.y., (2017). per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (pfass) in the urban, industrial, and background atmosphere of northeastern china coast around the bohai sea: occurrence, partitioning, and seasonal variation, atmospheric environment167: 150-158 (if=4.798,中科院分区3).

21.     zhong m.y., tang j.h.*, mi l.j., li f., wang r.m., huang g.p., and wu h.f.*, (2017). occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in the bohai and yellow seas, china. marine pollution bulletin, 121: 331-338(if=5.553,中科院分区2).

, 599-600:114-123(if=7.963, 中科院分区1).

23.     jiang t., skyllberg u., e., n. w., tang j.h.*, wang d.y.*, gao j., li c.x. (2017). characteristics of dissolved organic matter (dom) and its relationship with dissolved mercury in xiaoqing river-laizhou bay estuary, bohai sea, china. , (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

, 50:10386?10396 (if=9.028, 中科院分区1).



27.    zhao z., xie z., tang j.h.*, et al., (2015). spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in surface sediments of the german bight, north sea. science of the total environment, 511:145-152(if=7.963, 中科院分区1).

28.    zhao z., xie z.y.*, tang j.h.*, sturm r., y.j. chen, zhang g., ebinghaus r., 2015. seasonal variations and spatial distributions of perfluoroalkyl substances in the rivers elbe and lower weser and the north sea. chemosphere, 129: 118-125 (if=7.086, 中科院分区2).

29.    wang r.m., tang j.h.*, xie z., et al., (2015). occurrence and spatial distribution of organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in 40 rivers draining into the bohai sea, north china. environmental pollution, 198:172-178 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1). 

30.    zhong g.c., tang. j.h.*, xie z.y., et al., (2015). selected current-use pesticides (cups) in coastal and offshore sediments of bohai and yellow seas. environmental science and pollution research, 22:1653–1661 (if=4.223,中科院分区3) .

31.     zhong g.c., tang. j.h.*, xie z.y., et al., (2014). selected current-use and historic-use pesticides in air and seawater of the bohai and yellow sea. journal of geophysical research, 119(2): 1073-1086 (if=4.261, 中科院分区2区,nature index 期刊).

32.     tang j.h.*, chu k.w., chan l.y., chen y.j., (2014), non–methane hydrocarbon emission profiles from printing and electronic industrial processes and its implications on the ambient atmosphere in the pearl river delta, south china. atmospheric pollution research, 5(1):151-160 (if=4.352,中科院分区3).


34.     zhong g.c., tang j.h.*, zhao z., pan x.h., chen y.j., li j. and zhang g., (2011). organochlorine pesticides in marine and adjacent riverine sediments of laizhou bay, north china. marine pollution bulletin, 62: 2543-2547 (if=5.553, 中科院分区2).

35.     pan, x.h., tang j.h.*, chen y.j., li j., zhang g., (2011). polychlorinated naphthalences (pcns) in riverine and marine sediments of the laizhou bay area, north china. environmental pollution, 159: 3515-3521 (if=8.071, 中科院分区1).

36.     pan x.h., tang j.h. *, li j., zhong g.c., chen y.j., and zhang g*., (2011). polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) in the riverine and marine sediments of the laizhou bay area, north china. journal of environmental monitoring, 13, 886-893 (if=4.238,中科院分区3).


38.     tang, j.h.*, chan l. y., chang c. c., liu s., and li y.s., (2009). characteristics and sources of non-methane hydrocarbons at background sites of southeast, eastern, and southern china. journal of geophysical research, 114, d03304, doi: 10.1029/2008jd010333 (if=4.261, 中科院分区2区,nature index 期刊).

39.     tang, j. h.*, chan l.y., chan c.y., li y. s., chang c. c., wang x. m., zou s. c., barletta b., blake d. r. and wu d., (2008). implications of changing urban and rural emissions on non-methane hydrocarbons in the pearl river delta region of china. atmospheric environment, 42, 3780-3794 (if=4.798,中科院分区3).

40.     tang, j. h., chan l. y., chan c. y., li y. s., chang c. c., liu s. c., and li y. d., (2007). nmhcs in the transported and local air masses at a clean remote site on hainan island, south china. journal of geophysical research, 112, d14316, doi: 10.1029/2006jd007796 (if=4.261, 中科院分区2区,nature index 期刊).

41.     tang, j. h., chan l. y., chan c. y., li y. s., chang c. c., liu s. c., wu d., and li y. d., (2007). characteristics and diurnal variations of nmhcs in urban, suburban, and rural sites of the pearl river delta and a remote site in south china. atmospheric environment, 41, 8620-8632 (if=4.798,中科院分区3).

42.     tang, j. h., chan c. y., wang x. m., chan l. y., sheng g. y. and fu j. m., (2005). volatile organic compounds in a multi-storey shopping mall in guangzhou, south china. atmospheric environment, 39, 7374-7383 (if=4.798,中科院分区3).

43.     孙琳婷,赵祯,唐建辉*2020)典型氟工业园周边河流沉积物中全(多)氟化合物的分布特征。《环境科学》,419),4069-4075

44.     梁文健,秦礼萍,刘兆冰,唐建辉*2019东黄渤海11-12月有色溶解有机质和溶解有机

45.     碳的分布特征。《海洋环境科学》,386):760-766

46.     刘兆冰,梁文健,秦礼萍,唐建辉* (2019)。渤海和北黄海有色溶解有机物(cdom)的分布特征和季节变化。《环境科学》403),1198-1208

47.     王润梅,唐建辉*,黄国培,陈颖军,田崇国,潘晓辉,骆永明,李军,张干, (2015)。环渤海地区河流河口及海洋表层沉积物有机质特征和来源。《海洋与湖沼》,463):497-507

48.     刘艺凯,王景芝,唐建辉*,于志强,张干,(2014)。莱州湾河流表层沉积物中六溴环十二烷的含量水平、分布及组成特征。《地球化学》,431):55-63

49.     刘艺凯,钟广财,唐建辉*,潘晓辉,陈颖军,(2013)。胶州湾、套子湾及四十里湾表层沉积物中有机氯农药的含量和分布特征,《环境科学》,3401):129-136

50.     刘艺凯,唐建辉*,潘晓辉,田崇国,陈颖军,(2012)。环境中多溴联苯醚分析方法的研究进展,《环境化学》,3112):1-8

51.     黄卫国, 唐建辉*,陈颖军,潘晓辉,刘东艳,张干,2012。山东半岛典型海湾中烷基酚及双酚a的分布特征。《海洋环境科学》,313),358-363


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