刘欣 博士,研究员,2006年于德国奥尔登堡大学获得理学博士学位,之后分别在德国海岸研究中心和英国伯明翰大学从事博士后研究与教学活动。主要从事海岸带溢油污染仿真决策支持系统研究和受溢油污染的海岸带生态系统损害价值评估。目前主持国家自然科学基金项目一项,已发表科研论文18篇,其中sci论文11篇。
1. liu, x. et al., 2005. sequential negotiation in multiagent systems for oil spill response decision-making. marine pollution bulletin (50) 469-474.
2. liu, x. et al., 2005. total oil spill costs and compensations. maritime policy & management (33) 49-60.
3. liu, x. et al., 2006. consensus oriented, fuzzified decision support for oil spill contingency management. journal of hazardous material (134) 27-35.
4. liu, x. et al., 2007. consensus building in oil spill response planning using a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. coastal management (35) 195-210.
5. liu, x. et al., 2005. multi-agent negotiation in the prestige oil spill response scenario: a conflict resolution mechanism design and simulations. the built environment (78) 113-121. wit press, uk.
6. liu, x. et al., 2007. decision making of oil spill contingency options with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. water resources management (21) 663-676.
7. liu, x. et al., 2010. managing coastal area resources by stated choice experiments. estuarine, coastal and shelf science (86): 512-517.
8. liu, x., 2010. housing renewal policies, house prices and urban competitiveness. applied geography (30): 221-228.
9. liu, x. et al., 2009. willingness to pay among households to prevent coastal resources from polluting by oil spills: a pilot survey. marine pollution bulletin (58): 1514-1521.
10. liu,x. et al., 2009. the economy of oil spills: direct and indirect costs as a function of spill size. journal of hazardous material (171): 471-477.
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