

2008102730日,我所科研团队在施平所长带领下参加了在上海光大会展中心举行的第八届半封闭海湾环境管理国际大会(environmental management of enclosed coastal seasemecs-8)。


本次国际会议由华东师范大学、环境科学研究院和emecs中心主办,会议主题为“harmonizing river catchment and estuary”。施平所长负责主持此次大会的专题五:“institutional models for regional collaboration in coastal science and management (loicz related)”,并作了题为“regional and international comparative studies for coastal zone health assessment”的报告。我所其他科研人员也在大会上作了报告:其中,张干博士代表海岸带所做了题为“sedimentary records of organochlorine pesticides in coastal and near sea of eastern china sea and northern south china sea”的报告;唐诚博士介绍了人类活动在过去30年里对中国珠江口沉积物质输运的影响(human impact on the sediment transfer over the past 30 years, pearl river estuary, china);刘东艳博士以澳大利亚超营养化海岸地区为例,介绍了illawarra湖内浮游植物群体的通量情况和长期变化研究(“the current status and long-term changes in the phytoplankton community in lake illawarra: a case study of a eutrophicated coastal area in nsw, australia” ),高学鲁博士介绍了中国大亚湾地区沉积物表面非芳香烃的构成和来源研究进展(“composition and sources of non-aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments of daya bay, china”),刘欣博士递交了“a pilot survey of managing coastal resources by choice experiments”的海报,郝彦菊博士递交了“discussion for red tide prevention and environment sustainable development in the culture area of sishili bay”的海报。







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