图2. 水铁矿还原促进clostridium pasteurianum产氢途径
系列研究建立了筛选高产氢菌株的技术方法,并且获得了系列菌株资源。研究成果有助于促进微生物产氢领域的技术升级,为海岸带区域经济的绿色制造和可持续发展提供尊龙最新版的技术支持。相关研究成果已经陆续在acs sustainable chemistry & engineering(if 6.97)、fuel ( if 5.128)、bioresource technology (if 6.669)和science china technological sciences等重要国内外期刊上发表。
[1] zhang yuechao, xiao leilei, hao qinqin, li xin, liu fanghua*, ferrihydrite reduction exclusively stimulated hydrogen production by clostridium with community metabolic pathway bifurcation. acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2020, 7574-7580.(中科院一区,top期刊)
[2] zhang yuechao#, liu fanghua#*, hao qinqin, xiao leilei*, target-oriented recruitment of clostridium to promote biohydrogen production by nano-ferrihydrite. fuel, 2020:118049.(中科院一区,top期刊)
[3] zhang yuechao#, xiao leilei#, wang shuning, liu fanghua*, stimulation of ferrihydrite nanorods on fermentative hydrogen production by clostridium pasteurianum. bioresource technology, 2019, 308-315.(中科院一区,top期刊)
[4] zhang yuechao#, liu fanghua#*, xu hengduo xiao leilei*, extraction of electrons by magnetite and ferrihydrite from hydrogen-producing clostridium bifermentans by strengthening the acetate production pathway. science china technological sciences, 2019, 1719–1725.(中科院二区,有国际影响力的重要国内期刊)